Podcast - The future of business

In this series of The future of business, Vincent Wall and Mark Kennedy, with the help of several specialists guests will be assessing the growing importance of ESG, Environmental Social and Governance issues for businesses.
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Season 2 - Episode 5

ESG - Reporting requirements for businesses

What's happening in Europe in terms of ESG reporting and what will significant ESG reporting look like in the future? Vincent and Mark Kennedy, Partner Mazars in Ireland are joined by Maud Gaudry, Director of ESG Services, Mazars Group. Maud is based in Paris and has extensive knowledge of ESG reporting and Investment Banking.

Season 2 - Episode 4

ESG – The role of financial institutions

Banking and finance is key to the European Green Deal. It is key to how the world works in many ways so in this podcast; we are delighted that Leila Kamdem-Fotso, expert in sustainable finance was available to discuss the relationship between financial institutions and ESG.

Mazars and the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) produced a global report providing unique insight on current and upcoming financial regulatory evolutions aimed at tackling climate change. What policy adjustments are being undertaken in different jurisdictions around the world to assess and control climate risks? How are these actions likely to develop in future?

View the report here

Season 2 - Episode 3

ESG - How ESG can impact the world

In this episode, we focus on inequality and the impact on people, businesses and society. Vincent is joined by Mark Kennedy, Managing Partner of Mazars and Jim Clarken, CEO Oxfam Ireland and Executive Director of Oxfam International to discuss the consequences of inequality, and what we as individuals and organisations can do now that will have an impact. 

Season 2 - Episode 2

ESG - Human rights reporting and benchmarking

In this episode Vincent and Mark Kennedy, Partner Mazars in Ireland, are joined by Professor Mary-Lee Rhodes, Co-Director of the Trinity Centre for Social Innovation as they discuss human rights reporting.

The panel discusses the principle elements of human rights reporting and how those elements are informing how companies are examining and attempting to embed appropriate awareness of human rights in their operating practices.

Mary also talks about the benchmarking study, Irish Business & Human Rights: Benchmarking compliance with the UN Guiding Principles and The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Season 2 - Episode 1

ESG - The growing importance of Environmental Social and Governance

Vincent Wall and Mark Kennedy, with the help of several specialists guess will be assessing the growing importance of ESG.

They will discuss how regulation and legislation at home and abroad and the rapidly evolving engagement of investors and other key stakeholders with ESG related policies and practices will increasingly determine operational success, reputations and the ability to attract customers and to recruit and retain talent.

Each episode aims to bring you a greater knowledge of the critical aspects of ESG and why it is crucial for people doing business in the modern world.

In this first episode of the series, Mark and Vincent discuss why we have chosen to create a series focusing on ESG and why it is important for people to note of it. The majority of us nowadays accept climate change is caused by human activity, and we're far more conscious today of the consequences of inequality on the well being of the whole planet and all its population. 


Recorded in Tinpot Studios

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